Bultaco Motorcycles History

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Sammy Miller aboard a Bultaco.

Over 1,000 riders gathered in the hills above Barcelona on a wet and windy day in late October 2008. But torrential rain couldn’t dampen their enthusiasm to celebrate 50 years of Bultaco motorcycles and their status as one of the most iconic classic Spanish motorcycles.

Bultaco had a huge impact on the world of motorcycles, with road models like the Tralla and Metralla gathering an army of fans while the TSS road racer, the Pursang motocrosser, the Matador enduro and of course the Sherpa T trials bike made their mark in national and international events. And it all started because of one man’s passion for motorcycle sport.

Fifty years ago, don Francisco Xavier Bulto resigned as technical director of Montesa. He had started the company with Pedro Permanyer in 1944, but when Permanyer and the other directors decided to pull out of racing Bulto felt he had no other option.

When word spread that don Francisco was leaving Montesa, his racing team went to production manager Joan Chalamanch’s office and asked what he was going to do. “I’m going to suggest that he starts his own motorcycle business,” said Chalamanch. “And that we are all behind him.”

  • Published on Feb 3, 2009
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